Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The Greenhorn Girl is pissed. 3 of our crabpots got jacked. Not just pirated - Jacked. (This is in case you were wondering my own badass crab lingo. Pirated = some jackass stole our crabs. Jacked = Some jackass stole the whole damn pot) Mr. Man has more faith in humanity and believes that they are just underwater. The tides were crazy high from some odd planetary alignment. Meanwhile only the tide will tell....

The day was spent on water, all of it. Mr. Man took me out in the little boat before lunch and we putzed up rivers and backways and pissed off the depth finder more than a few times. I made a very failed attempt of leaning over the side to catch jelly balls. Jelly balls are the non stinging version of jelly fish....except the ones that I was trying to catch were the ones I've always ran screaming like a girl from. (Not really...cause not much makes me do that, but I've always thought they would jack you up. Note another way to use the word jack). I guess they can see or something because they were all over the surface but when I leaned over and put my hands in they would dive down. I grazed a couple of them...they are hard and slimy...not easy to get a hold of. The satelite radio and cooler were drug up on the beach and sat around wondering what the poor people were doing. We figured out how to share ration beer when we got to the scary bottom of the cooler land and I danced my first waste deep in water dance to Lucky Stars.

A beer run, shower and boat swap later.....We anchored up with the new beer supply, rum for the girl and a Buffett live in Philly concert. Apparently a few parrotheads in the lawn seats had sinned and lightening kept striking too close to the crowd so the concert was on slight delay. The timing wound up being perfect. Right at dark we had a very mistaken snake on board episode that still has me snorting....somehow I was the only one who really found much humor in it. To spare myself an asskicking, I will spare you the details. But we pulled anchor to go retrieve what had managed to go over board during the no snake scare. We turned what is normally a 20 some minute boat ride into 2 hours of singing out loud, dancing and partaking of the grape. And some where in there we had "The" conversation....we declared a fart truce. To never, except in the rare occassion that our head actually blew off first, ever fart in each others presence. I officially have safe harbor from the dutch oven.

I've got a roof over my head. Someone to love me in a 4 poster bed. I can play this here guitar. Gotta thank my lucky stars.

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