Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Not that I'm politically minded at all. And not that I know the complete story or the "big picture" but I just got off the phone with Nanner, my partner in crime or more be it lately, the sisterhood of the traveling unemployed goodwill pants. (We recently went out and realized that both of us were dressed in sweaters from the Goodwill store...sad but true.) And I am on a tear. It seems that part of the economic stimulus package includes 335 million dollars for STD teenage education and prevention. Um, ok...I'm confused... Please please someone tell me what itchy dick has to do with the f-ing economy?? Pass out some goddamn condoms and tell them to have at it....that's what they're going to do anyhow. I'm pretty sure the government could get the mongo packs from Costco for less that 335 million f-ing dollars! Not to mention the parents should have all the time in the world to talk about safe sex being that none of them have a damn job. If you get itchy dick go to the health department. I have ABSOLUTELY no room for this right now. And apparently there is a need for a 120 million dollar sod and general renovation needed for the "mall" since the grass got trampled on by a gazillion sonabitches last week. God knows we need the grass to look nice for all the homeless people to sleep on. I just think that we have more to worry about than fishy twat...there are in fact bigger fish to fry at the present.

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