Sunday, August 21, 2011

Still Here

Not a lot to talk about right now.  Events of the week have been an emotional earthquake and have shaken me to the core.  Realization about myself...where I am and what's important to me have consumed my every thought.  I'm getting a face full of  practice what you preach...If there's nothing you can do about it, you have to let it go and only worry about what you have control over.  Which at this point is not so check marks...feeding myself...occupying my time...and maintaining control of my mind.  Earlier in the week that was impossible but I stopped and actually managed to breathe in...have bitch slapped my mind  and wrestled control of the wheel again. I think love is real when you are scared to death at how vulnerable you are but the thought of grabbing up your toys and running off the playground never crosses your mind.  I was asked if I had my running shoes on...and for the very first time in my life my answer was no. 

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