As the title indicates, my toe nails are painted...a very bright pink. It makes me feel girly and yet somewhat conflicted, which lead to my question "Do tattoos and toe nail polish go together?" Everyone knows I'm a dog vs. a cat person and that I've always been a tattoo vs. a polish girl. I'm told that I'm very black and white with few to no shades of grey. Guess I'm digging my new shade of grey that has materialized itself more as a shade of pink. Just for those keeping up with my budget, I did not go to the chinese nail salon and dip into my vodka fund, nor did I paint them myself. Velcro is in charge of the toes.
I'm afraid that I am going to be asked to pay Coon Dick a retainer. This week so far I've put him on a shark bladder mission and I just text him pictures of some weird tree that I need to know about. The shark bladder research he did came up with two things. First they do not have a waste system like us and the answer would be NO, they do not pee pee. It seems some animals have swim bladders, kind of a kin to buoyancy control, but the shark is not one of them either. They have oil in their large livers that is lighter than water and that's what makes them not plow the bottom. My guess is that nurse sharks don't have so much of the oily liver since they lay around on the bottom all the time. I'm also thinking that the reason sharks have large livers is because they live near the coast and everyone knows that if you are within 5 miles of the coast all you do is drink...wonder if humans will adapt this same survival method? In attempt to get all my shark facts straight Coon Dick just revealed that sharks also don't poop. I think I need one for a pet.
Care to guess what this is? One may say, well Sparky, that there looks like a towel with a Target bag wadded up on top of it. And one might be partially correct. But in fact this is a homemade "Make the cat shut the fuck up so I can sleep at night" contraption. She has been sleeping on a bag I left at the bottom of the stairs, the other day I picked it up in an attempt of cleaning and pretending to be an adult. That night she woke me up yelling about every 30 minutes. So I gave her the bag back. Only to get yelled at on a less frequent schedule. Last night I threw in the towel...literally and put in some ear plugs. Happy to report she allowed me to sleep through the night.
My living room is empty. Amazingly this time it's not because I'm moving but because I have succumbed to the fact that animals are carpet don't mix well. I'm having tile put down and in preparation I have emptied the room. Now, I've said before that my living room is the only room in my house that looks like an actual grown up may live here. Yesterday I called Velcro to ask if it was weird that I like the room better completely striped down. His answer was the same as most people just worded more politely, instead of "Um...yea" he said "Could be". He knows me and I doubt this surprised him or much of anything else out of me for that matter. I'm seriously considering not putting the stuff back in there. Although, I'm not sure what to do with my coffee table. Update to follow.
Found all these guys hanging out in one tidal pool. I've never seen one like the big guy at the top. Of all the crazy random questions that I have, all of them are centered around earthy naturey stuff or bodily functions. It may have been said before that I am like a four year old with a vodka habit and 12 year old boy's sense of humor. But with boobs...and painted toe nails.
Folks, I'm telling you
birthing is hard
and dying is mean
so get yourself some
loving in between
- Langston Hughes
On a similar note "All I want to do is have sex and throw a cast net."
- Wingman