So have you ever had memory cross over?....I never really put it together until last weekend when Mr Man and I were just slightly outside of the throws of Black Bike Week. I say slightly outside because we were only privy to one REALLY big ass hanging out of something REALLY small on the back of a bike. Otherwise just the occasional passing of some guys in search of the scary ass. But wait, I have to give the first part of the memory...we were listening to Margaritaville and they were replaying the concert from the show that were just at a few weeks before and somewhere near the very drunken end Buffett did his version of Bob Dylan's Everybody Must Get Stoned. So we were just in the midst of being impressed with ourselves for remembering at all and commenting about how we would never hear that song without thinking about one nameless friends dad signing every word to the top of his lungs, when in on coming traffic there it was....the memory crossover. 15 badass hoodlum mopeds hauling ass south for Black Bike Week. Now, granted I'm white and maybe I just don't get it but....What the hell?
There are I suppose things that I understand even less....Dr. Leonard's mail order catalog. Apparently from the product line these things are geared toward the elderly consumers. As an example, on the cover we have a gingam print moo-moo available in 4 pastel colors. Pg 4 a fleece recliner cover. Pg 12 the little tennis ball covers that go on the front legs of a walker. Along with various other bath handle grips, support stockings and a whole slue of velcro shoes. Completely unspecting. Until you get to pg 22....2 pages of dildos and "Advanced Sexual Technique" videos. It actually shows a woman rubbing her neck with a vibrator.... I'm really hoping that this stuff isn't a big seller for them. So if Granny has something sitting beside her tv table dont think anything of it....she was just the innocent victim of personal massage twisted marketing. Ya know she could have just been looking for one of the horseshoe shaped neck pillows on pg 19 and gotten confused.
What the hell?
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