Starting to see the similarities now aren't ya? It's the second such book I've read. This one instead of being penned by the adventurer/wanderer himself ended more tragically. Imagine: A Vagabond Story was a similar scenario with a much happier ending. With a couple hundred dollars he left the country and traveled all over Mexico and Central in hostels and working odd jobs to get by. I share a wander lust with them both. All of my life I've been a rebel with no cause. Throwing the middle finger to conformity and standing firmly by myself in my made up beliefs. As I've aged the rebelliousness softened into odd and currently is probably teetering on eclectic. Even though I've never had the balls to peace out of society and take to the road with a backpack I harbor jealously and a bit of penis envy for those that have.
There is no secret that several times in my life I've completely lost my self. Lost in normalcy. Instead of being who I am, I was chipped away at until I became some hybrid version of what they expected. The bad ass girl slipped out of sight after one too many flips of the Sunday morning omelet. That in turn was the demise of the relationship(s). Then of course I come out of the corner like a wet pissed off cat scratching and biting to reclaim myself.
I feel good that I don't hide or modify who and what I am with Velcro. I am an open book...there is no hidden sneaky program behind the scenes. I like that I can ask for an opinion other than my own but know that I don't need permission. This being independent but holding a hand thing has been bouncing around in my head for sometime, then I read this and it really summed up a lot of how I feel. Kinda wish I had written it. I don't feel alone even though I'm by myself sometimes. I rest beneath his smile and he's with me every minute. It's a delicate balance being a tough girl in love...
Velcro told me that he sees the world differently than ever before since knowing me. That made me happy. My ability to realign my thoughts is probably one of my best assets. I doubt it's super hero enough to require a cape but it helps me on the rare occasions my head and ass get in close proximity. My happy lists get me back on track when my wayward mind takes off on me. Here's my latest list
-Lightning Bugs
-Day Lillies
-A 3 Beer Buzz...I know alcohol does not solve any problems but neither does milk.
-Velcro's shows up with his happy smile
-Seagulls... minus the poop-Foot feeling them touch each other
-The Shu's replacement...more pictures of her to come.