Thursday, May 28, 2009

Catch Up

First I need to start by saying that the cable network is largely in need of the Earthy Edgy Unfiltered channel. It would consist of back to back episodes of the only my favorite stuff. Ace of Cakes, Deadliest Catch, LA Ink, Diners Drive-ins & Dives, Survivorman, Man vs Food and of course some Law & Order and a little Sex in the City to balance everything out. Why doesn't anyone just do as I say and put everything I like on the same channel at a time when I can watch it?? I know what you're going to say...that's what tivo is for. I'm just refuse to succumb to that much technology in my life. Hell, I still deal with the rolling channel guide.
Lately I've been doing a lot of reading and when I do, I tend to get lost in the figment of someone else's imagination and their stories. Thus I don't have the pressing need to express so much. It's not that I haven't had plenty of exciting to shit to pass along, it just hasn't materialized into words. Couple that with my intermittent at best internet service...whichever neighbor I bootleg from has either the shittiest ever wireless router or I live approximately 5.8 miles from the signal source. Either way I average 1 day on for every 3 days off normally. So as of right now my journal officially has sand in it. I can't lie...I brought my book too, just in case "sharing" got boring.

To back up and start with the beginning of what you've missed. Last year for my 35th birthday Mr Man gave me the means to put a check beside one of my bucket list items for reasons that are too lame in retrospect to rehash, I didn't get around to skydiving until April 30th...of this year. With a year of taking the proverbial ass kicking from the Universe or getting myself in vibrational alignment as I prefer to call it...I was due to make that check mark. It wasn't as big of a rush as I anticipated. Actually the reality and coolness of it didn't sink in until I saw the pictures and video. At which point I realized I was just hanging out and free falling where airplanes fly with no tethers to this earth or anything at all (with exception to the dudero that was strapped to my back). Pretty freaking awesome. And apparently there are tons of folks that have no desire to experience this at all. To you I can honestly say ...I don't get you.
Key West was a work / semi-vacation. Work for Mr Man - Vacation for me - Semi in the sense that it went by ENTIRELY too fast. We rented bikes and tooled about the island without a care that the A&M Bike Rental tag zipped tied to the basket just screamed tourist. We only considered ourselves part tourist since we live on an island and deal with idiot tourist constantly, we can fully relate to the locals. That being said we REALLY try to not be like those that drive us nuts. We had breakfast at Harpoon Harry's on Caroline St...that's a little tradition of my own...not something that can be skipped. I managed to take in Eating at Pepe's...this is now on my list of things not to skip. The place has been there since 1890 something and has a tree as the roof. Old mismatched chandeliers hand down form the branches to light the little tables. I ate at the bar which is covered with a little tin roof. I had homemade granola with plain yogurt with strawberries, kiwi, bananas and melons. It was beyond good descriptive words. I would have loved to see what they had for trip.

True to character we laid low and just enjoyed our time there and together. On the drive back to Islamorada we were starving and pulled into the first little dive we came upon. It was Mile Marker 20 Mangrove Mama's. Those impromptu roadside stops always prove to be our best finds. I ate the best clams and garlic bread of my life. The waitress was Missy - to her friends and Bitch to the people who really knew her. I did something different on this trip....I memorized faces of the people. I normally never pay much attention to people and I didn't even realize I'd done it but thinking back I have the faces of chance meaningless encounters frozen in time.
I even found the cove to do my boat living tucked away on the Gulf side of Islamorada.
This is the Lorelei...we wandered around in the rain and found the cove and docks where I plan on practacing my transceint skills.
This guy and his dog were hauling folks back and forth from the moring fields. Roger put in his application already.

Ran into this piece of work angling on the tourists for tips...
Things I didn't know....that Mr Man can do a mean horny hen impersonation...I saw some of the Keys chickens wondering about in a parking lot and went to get a few pictures. Mr Man proceeds to start bocking and we were rushed by no less than 6 roosters with woodys. Interesting hidden talent.
The one on the right was my favorite. He crowed and strutted and puffed up and shuck feathers.
As you can see...he was obviously the porn star of the group.

Actually I would allow the cats and the list though I would add ex-wives and their felon boyfriends....
As I lay here in the sand and look around at the tourites I have to be in awe of my current situation and just how unjealous I am of anyone. I guess being happy in the now is the whole trick to life. Sure there are things that just haven't quite fallen into place and materialized in the physical world just yet, but they are already there in my mind. I can't help but think "Wow, how great is this!"